GOTCHA Project

your nonprofit should be 100% transparent on the use of your funds

What is GOTCHA?

Get Off The Couch & Heal America

Founded by Dave Graybill GOTCHA is a team of philanthropic individuals on a mission to inspire Americans to “Get Off The Couch & Heal America” (G.O.T.C.H.A.). It is the goal of GOTCHA to have Americans be more aware and involved in the needs of the people in their own community, city, state, and country AND care how nonprofits spend their hard earned dollars.

our promise

We are here to support initiatives worthy of getting off your couch and we do it with 100% transparency. Every dollar donated to GOTCHA project is tracked and reported, dollars in and dollars out so donors can follow their impact.

Our nonprofit partners

GOTCHA supports nonprofits who align with our mission, vision and values. GOTCHA allocates funding to nonprofits within specified categories that are 100% transparent in their use of funds allocated to them from GOTCHA Project.

Our business partners

GOTCHA's business partnerships are strategic. We partner with businesses who appreciate the importance of giving back to the community and who choose GOTCHA because they know exactly where their money was spent.

get involved

* Make a donation and track its impact. * Support businesses that support transparent giving on our Business Partners page. * Business owners: Connect with Izon Giving to see how you can give to GOTCHA at no cost to you.

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